Friday, January 04, 2008

A Recap of December 2007 - part 1

December has been a very busy month for me. You guys know how huge-big I am now, seriously! I can almost RUN... so I crash into things when I try, so what?? Who hasn't had that happen to them?

One of the things I did in December... I learned first hand about snow. I've seen it before... I've felt it land on my face (burrrrrr), but I've never "played" in it until this year. Is that what they call it??? 'Playing in the snow?'? For me it was more like 'falling in the snow'... 'tripping in the snow'... 'loosing my mitten in the snow'... and last but not least - 'crying in the snow'. NONE of those things sound fun to me... do they sound fun to you?????? No, I didn't think so. Next time Mum & Dad take me out in this snow stuff, I hope there's a little more playing and a lot less falling, tripping, loosing & crying. 'Nuff said!!

Dad & Mum learned something very important this December... they learned it's probably best to make sure you put my diaper bag INSIDE the car before reversing out of a parking space... This is evident by the pic above of the crushed drink cup.

Perhaps everybody else already knew this, but I have just discovered that a laundry basket and some string can make for hours of fun! In the basket, out of the basket, in the basket, out of the basket... just repeat many, many times! I like to take a break to catch some TV or play with a bit of string, but then I'm right back to it. More fun than I ever knew, and certainly more fun that that snow....

I love you all!!!

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