Saturday, November 15, 2008

Halloween Video

I'm not sure if you guys realize this but you're getting a private screening here of my latest movie. It screams Oscar Buzz......

Saturday, October 18, 2008

JUNE - JULY - AUGUST - SEPT and part of Oct!

I suppose there's no need to point out the obvious.... I've been out of touch for quite some time. So, my plan is to try to catch you up on my doin's a month at a time as best I can.
At the end of May, I started going to this place called daycare. I actually like to call it school, and I really have a great time there! So here are some pics of my first day.
Ready to go:

With my new friends:

Ready for bed - I had a great day!

I started dining at my big boy table in the living room instead of my high chair. I LOVE sitting at my table!

I also got a really groovy new recliner chair which I like to sit in, but I like it much better when Daddy sits with me. ;-)

We went to a fantastic BBQ at my aunties house, and I got to have lunch with my Auntie Tracy who I love lots!
Finally... I learned the joy of the mighty popsicle! You can use it to protect yourself, ya know.

For the first time this summer I could walk in the pool. It was really pretty cool, until I lost my footing....
I have to admit that I didn't do a whole lot else in July, but I did manage a visit to see my Auntie Carolyn, Uncle Dean and my cousins Jeremy and Rachel. We went to a really neat-o zoo and got to see all sorts of animals, even baby ones!

The first thing I did in August was to make sure I was still extremely adorable....
I got a great new toy as well. My OT Jen said that spinning is very helpful to me so Mummy and Daddy got me this super spinning toy. I LOVE is so much, either when Mummy or Daddy spin me or when I spin myself. (although truth be told, they can spin me much faster!)

And near the end of the month, I had my final OT session with Jen. I really love her, and I miss her. She helped me a lot. :-)

I turned 3 in September this year, and Daddy & Mummy took me to London to see lots and lots of my family. I had a fantastic birthday and my very first eggless cake which was soooo yummy!

I spent some quality time with my family....

I rocked out in my Uncle Ross' sweatshirt and did my best wizard moves...

Before we left Europe, we did take a trip to Paris as well. And here's Mummy and I hanging out with The Eiffel Tower -- cool, eh?

My Mummy and Daddy got some new tattoos for my birthday this year! They both got my footprints from when I was about a week old!

I had to say goodbye to my Kelly after I turned 3. I saw her almost every week for 2 1/2 years and she taught me all sorts of cool things. Like how to sit up, roll over, stand, walk, run... all the big stuff. I love her... I miss her.
You may think that should have been enough fun for September but you'd be wrong on that one! I had a SECOND party when I came home so that I could see all of my family and friends here in NH (and those who travel from CT & MA). I had to show off my 3 year old bigness after all! And they got me anther cake as well...WHO KNEW? This one was a cars cake - I think it had eggs in it....
OCTOBER: (so far)
I miss my family in London, but it's nice to be back home with my dogs, Lola and Bruin. I missed them when I was gone.
I settled into fall with some quality swinging done in my backyard.

And I'm really getting into this whole "Fall" thing this year with the crunchy leaves and the Halloween thing. So just this morning, Mummy and I went outside and made my very first scare crow! The best part??? The crunchin' leaves!!!

And the finished product:

I know that I promise all the time to write more often, and I really do mean to. I guess that it's just hard since I go to school now and Mummy works. You know...she won't let me boot her laptop up without her. Something about how I always spill my juice everywhere...
Anyway, I WILL try harder. And if I don't do it, please do feel free to drop a note to Mummy who will 'encourage' me to jot something down.
I love you all!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

OH MY... It has been a very LONG time since I wrote!

Oh.. where should I begin?? Let's see... I still love to take my pants down! There's a good jumping off point! But I guess you'd like a little more fill in that just that, so here we go.

Mum started doing this thing called 'work', and she takes me with her. That was great deals of fun in the beginning... I get my own play area, and a whole bunch of new uncles to play with. I stay in Mum's 'office' with her while she does this 'work' thing. I have to be honest...I don't know why they call that room her 'office'... really it's mostly my play area with my TV and my DVD player...and then she has this big structure thing that she calls a desk with bunches of stuff on it. She does a lot of writing, and talking on the phone, and telling her 'boss' (aka my uncle EJ) what to do. But it's been nice going there with Mummy, and everybody who comes loves me - or so they say. :-) By the way... Uncle EJ says to come on down and buy a nice used car! Just come to EJ Auto Sales, LLC in Derry, NH or call at 603-425-2000. Tell 'em that Mummy sent you. I guess she gets some money...and then she buys me stuff with it.

I walk and talk now like nobody's business, and I'm even starting to run a bit! I like it when I have a long hallway to run in! I like to 'go fast' but soon I get tired, or I trip on my feet. Look, my Mum's not too coordinated either so I come rightly by the whole tripping thing. I'm getting pretty good at doing the 2-3 word sentences now. I can say things like:
Here he is
I love you (tubby, towers, mummy, daddy... but that's just mimicking)
I see it
I want that
help, help, help (yeah, I realize it's the same word 3 times but I thought it would count)

I'm getting really good at stacking things and at climbing things. I can climb up on one of my little chairs at Mums office and then climb right into the middle of her desk!! I think she LOVES that cuz she always says something like: OH MY GOD, Ethan! whenever I do that. Yeah...she's totally impressed with my skillz!!

I have really good eating skills now too! I can rock a fork and spoon like nobody's business, and I totally get the whole bite and chew thing! I'm getting more teeth so that may be helping, or maybe it's the weekend I spend with my cousin Conner. WOW... he can do TONS of stuff! And I learned a lot from him while I was with him too, and now I wanna be just like Conner... all spiffy with the jumping and running around and stuff like that. 'Sides, he's just good fun to spend time with.

Besides going to work and having spent time with Conner, I also got me a groovy new friend! Her name is Ashleigh, and Mum and Dad call her a babysitter. But I just love to rock out with her! We play all kinds of cool games, and go outside, and dig in the sandbox (and the stone dust patio sometimes); we play hoops, and blocks, and draw with chalk; and she watches me slide down my slide & she tries to teach me to wipe the dirt off my bum (but I usually forget that). She is loads of fun & I really, really like her!

Last week Daddy, Mummy & I went to Washington DC. Daddy & Mummy say that I'm a born traveler and they think that's cool cuz I guess they like to fly on planes and junk like that. I loved flying on the plane, and I heard some people saying they didn't like something called 'turbulence' but all I felt was bouncing... and I LOVED it! That plane would bounce, and I would giggle and laugh! I thought it was lots of fun to fly and I didn't even mind waiting in the airport for the second flight on our trip down or back. It was all an adventure to me! And when we were there...guess what happened??? My Uncle Cliff and Auntie Kammy showed up!! They live in CT -- it's a long way from Washington DC. I know they said it was their anniversary weekend...but I really think they just came to see me. They loves me a lot! But Mummy and I got to go see some really cool stuff with Auntie & Uncle one day in DC while Daddy was working at his conference. I wish Daddy could have come with us, but we had a really, really good time and I can't wait to see them again! OH...and maybe next time I'll get to see Conner... OH, OH and maybe all my other cousins down there too - you know -- Matt, Chris, Kristen, Stephanie and maybe even Aubrey!

Well here's some pics of me - I know how you wait for them... look how BIG I am!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Ethan's New Year Bash!

Yeah, I'm still trying to catch up from all the fun and games of ending 2007. But don't worry...soon everything will be up from the end of the year, and I should only be behind for January. What can you expect from me... I'm just a little boy!

2007 was quite a year for my family, there was a lot happening both good and not so good, so I figured I should end the year with a BASH!

I got a fantastic bubble-maker-thingy from my Uncle Cliff & Auntie Kammy for Christmas, and I insisted that it was not just for bathroom using! Happily it attached nicely to the window in the living room and as you can see from the pics above I was having a fantastic time with all those bubbles! Mum keep trying to shut it off, but I was having NO PART of that! Finally after a little belligerence I thought I had won the fight, but ran out of bubble-making-thingy-stuff! I had hoped that Mum didn't notice that my feets were slipping a little bit on the floor, but of course she did, and I was made to be on the rug while she cleaned up. But as soon as she turned her back.... I made my way over to that window and that fantastic bubble-maker-thingy and S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-D my little Go-Go-Gadget arm to push the button again - hey you never know when there could be some extra bubble-maiker-thingy-stuff hiding somewhere in there!!! Just as I hit the button... I also hit something Mum & Dad called 'the window sill'. I don't care what that thing was called, cuz all the fun came to a screaching halt and a LOT of crying ensued! Imagine that I dented that stupid 'window sill' thing and you guessed it.... I BASHED my chin open! I really didn't care after the initial hit and the initial pain. After Mum cuddled me and kissed me I figured I was A-OK and I was just going on with my night - WRONG!

I have never been to this place called the ER before... everybody was really nice and I got to play with all kinds of stuff while I waited for someone to come and take care of me. Really, it was all good until they came and dabbed some stuff on my chin which HURT... and then I couldn't feel anything. BONUS - I was happy again until they came back and tried to wrap a sheet around me. RIGHT - could Houdini be held still?? NO. Mummy laid on the bed with me, and much to my ire she also held my arms and legs. I was pretty angry while one lady held my head still and another one was pulling at my chin. But throughout all my crying I tried to keep sight of the important things in life; hence I did manage to yawn twice and ask for milk once. Then I declared that I was 'stuck'... several times. When nobody seemed to get the message (and I got sick of hearing everybody tell me they KNEW I was stuck) I just tried saying "pees".... even that didn't get me out right away, but soon it was done and I got to go home.

Below are my New Years Bash pics!

What else is there really to say right now??? I love you all!

Friday, January 04, 2008

A Recap of December 2007 - part 2

As I made my way through the treachery that is December (and winter in NE) I am learning more every day. I have so many words now in my vocabulary that Mum & Daddy just gave up trying to keep track of them. I'm like an evil little talking genius! OK...maybe not a genius... or evil... but I do talk a LOT, and I use actual words sometimes! Since I'm bigger and more mobile, I've had time to discover that I can do a lot of stuff with my face! It's been fun and that's why I wanted to share the many looks of me with the many of you!

I also really realized that Christmas lights are fun this year! The ones on the wreath on the front door our our 'crib' are all colors and when Mummy put them on all I could say was 'OH - WOW'! Then the next thing I knew there was this tree in the corner of the living room with all these white lights on it. I loved the lights and when Mum or Dad shut them off, I asked for 'more please' I know you can understand me in my video saying and signing just that! Do you think I'll win an Oscar for this one????

Don't forget that if you can't quite see the pics or read my witty commentary you can double click the photos and it will come up BIG!

And keep reading below... there is another post for today!

A Recap of December 2007 - part 1

December has been a very busy month for me. You guys know how huge-big I am now, seriously! I can almost RUN... so I crash into things when I try, so what?? Who hasn't had that happen to them?

One of the things I did in December... I learned first hand about snow. I've seen it before... I've felt it land on my face (burrrrrr), but I've never "played" in it until this year. Is that what they call it??? 'Playing in the snow?'? For me it was more like 'falling in the snow'... 'tripping in the snow'... 'loosing my mitten in the snow'... and last but not least - 'crying in the snow'. NONE of those things sound fun to me... do they sound fun to you?????? No, I didn't think so. Next time Mum & Dad take me out in this snow stuff, I hope there's a little more playing and a lot less falling, tripping, loosing & crying. 'Nuff said!!

Dad & Mum learned something very important this December... they learned it's probably best to make sure you put my diaper bag INSIDE the car before reversing out of a parking space... This is evident by the pic above of the crushed drink cup.

Perhaps everybody else already knew this, but I have just discovered that a laundry basket and some string can make for hours of fun! In the basket, out of the basket, in the basket, out of the basket... just repeat many, many times! I like to take a break to catch some TV or play with a bit of string, but then I'm right back to it. More fun than I ever knew, and certainly more fun that that snow....

I love you all!!!