Monday, June 25, 2007

Food, Food, Food...I am learning about FOOD!

OK people...I'm a little put out by something here. It appears there is this stuff called 'table food'. I haven't had much contact with this 'table food' until just a few days ago. And I think that I totally DIG IT!!!

Here is what I've tried - and if there's one of these things (*) in front of it, I really like it!

Diced Apples
Mashed potatoes (actually I've tried them before)
*Lemon Poppyseed muffin
Pasta O's
*Grilled Potatoes - the inside only!
Diced Carrots
*Baby Gold Fish
*Toast with butter
Toast with Jam
Fried Egg

Impressive, eh????? I don't eat a lot, mind you. But I try and Mummy & Daddy are very encouraging!

I got to play with my girlfriend Alexia one afternoon. We had a really good time, and I stole her headband from her - I didn't keep it, I just put it on my forehead. It was quite comfy actually!

I love you all!

1 comment:

Conner Lennon said...

OI! What's up cousin!? Look at me, updating more frequently than you!