OK, so I've been crazy-busy doing all sorts of new and groovy stuff. I'm not even sure where to start - but I'll try to begin with the happenings of a couple of weeks ago and come forward to now.
I still haven't had to have anything put through my feeding tube, so now it's been 18 days!! I have been eating my puree baby foods with cereal mixed in, and even some of the stage 3 foods are becoming my friends. Along with my beloved 'milk box'es that I use I also have 2 bigger straw bottles that I groove to. Today Mummy gave me a couple of smoothies... which were my puree foods mixed with my Nutren Jr and some heavy cream. YUMMY -- and Mummy says they are full of good calories for me.
I started last week getting myself into this weird sort of 3/4 crawl position, and I was doing good reaching for stuff like that. One of my feet was always stuck in that position...and I simply couldn't figure out how to untangle it from my other leg. But I could get into that position and reach far - then go onto my belly - then sit up again and pivot around and start again. It made it very interesting for me...and I could get all the way across the room in this manner. It was sweet!!!
I have a few new words... I said 'kitty', 'book', and I mimiced the all mighty cat meow sound today!! I also say MaMa a lot more than ever these days - and Mummy is really enjoying it!!!
I have discovered that I am truly becoming a toddler in every sense of the word. Which is fine with me...but apparently could take a toll on Mummy & Daddy. I like to throw a little now and then when things aren't going my way. It doesn't always make it so that I actually get my way - but at least they KNOW that I'm not very happy!!!
On this past Friday night... now take a seat for this one... I actually took a few little crawl 'steps'. Oh yeah... right on my little hands and knees - every so causiously I moved my little hands and legs and got a little way forward. And I tried it again on Saturday... it was sooo cool!
On Sunday we did the March of Dimes walk, and it was great fun!! We had more people walking with us this year for Ethan's Journey and we did well on the walk. It didn't even rain on us, and by the time it started to sprinkle we were ready to come on home! I think that we doubled the amount we raised last year, and I'm so happy and proud to help other little babies like me!
Once we came home on Sunday and we all relaxed for a while, I gave that crawling thing another shot...and guess what??? I am REALLY good at it!!!! I just took off crawling all over the floor... I got to the TV - then over to my toys - then to the Roomba - back to my toys - back to the TV - and as I headed for Cellar's litterbox I was cut off at the pass!!!! I really like this whole moving on my own thing!!!!
Today - Mummy and Nana went out and took me with them. We did some errands, and when we came home there was a lot of hub-bub in the living room with Mummy & Daddy and some plastic stuff.... I went outside to play with Nana... when I came back there it was!!! My new baby play yard!!! I guess it keeps me away from the TV - and the Roomba - and sockets and plugs...but they did move Cellar's litterbox!
Well, I do love you all. And thank you once again for all your prayers over the last year and a half. Look how far I've come!!!!!!
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