Monday, February 12, 2007

The Weight Debate

1) Wait..I'll show you what I like to do with my bottle
2) I LOVE to stand with this toy!!
3) Me and my friend, Zelin - I love her!
4) Meet my new cousin, Zachary

So, I went to see my GI Doctor (and I know now... NO relation to GI Joe, FYI) and they weighed me and then had a chat with Mummy. It appears that I've only gained 2 ounces last month and that's not such a good showing for a growing boy. Maybe for Cellar - it would be fine but as we all know, I am FAR larger than Cellar...she's just a tiny cat! So they determined that there wasn't really any room to try to get more food and stuff into me, so they need to just get more calories into me. We're trying a few new things now... a little something called DuoCal is supposed to give me more cals (fats and carbs) but not change the flavor of my foods. (Which was something I HATED with using the formula in my food...yuck ee!!) Mummy says it's one step forward and two steps back with me and eating... I do try, but these added carbs and stuff is making me not go poo - and that makes me not want to eat. I hear something about more prune juice and water. I hope that works!

Other than that...I keep trying to talk for real. Just this morning I said Mum... which made my Mummy soooo happy! I have also said "stomp, stomp, stomp" which actually sounds more like "tom, tom, tom" when I say it...and I said "yeti, yeti, yeti" which sounds more like "yeah, yeah, yeah" when I say it. But I'm really trying. I talk and talk all the time - it seems though that I am the only one who really knows what I'm saying!! I shall keep trying!

I have outgrown something else this week... my 12 month footie pajamas! I am too tall for them, they pull on my shoulders when I wear them! OK, sure the 18 month ones are really still too big...but I have room to S-T-R-E-C-H!

Guess what else happened this week?? My new cousin came. I think that the stork came and brought him to the same hosptial that I was in, but he stays in his parents room with them. WOW - lucky!! His name is Zachary, and he is about 1/2 the size of me in weight...and a meare 10 inches shorter than me. I heard Mummy say he wears clothes that are 3-6 month, he IS big!! He's also very sweet, and he sleeps a lot. He didn't seem fussed by all of my talking and yelling... he's a GOOD sleeper!

Well, that's it for this week. I love you all!

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