Wednesday, November 08, 2006

World Traveler Status... Next On My Checklist!

1) Love me... love my Jump-A-Roo
2) Me feeling a little under the weather
3) Lola, Bruins new wife
4) Uncle Sanjay and Auntie Uchi
5) Me...turning on the charm to my new friend Pauline
6) Lookin' cute in my suit

As always, I've been a busy bee! There's a lot to do and I intend to do it all with as much style as I can muster! Since my Grandad, Auntie & Uncle left I've been doing a little more eating, and a LOT more sitting and playing. I love to sit for house on the floor and play with my toys, my Mummy, and my Daddy. Sometimes Bruin or Cellar happen by and I get to touch, grab, or pet them. Mymmy and Daddy keep saying 'be nice', but I'm quite sure that they like a little tug on the fur.... Other than that... we went on a family trip to Puetro Rico to see my Uncle Sanjay and my Auntie Uchi get married (VERY FUN), and we got a new little dog-girlfriend for Bruin. I think she must be his wife since she lives here. :-)

Let's talk about Puetro Rico first. We flew on planes... imagine that?? We took 2 planes down there, and then 2 planes home, and I loved it! Daddy and Mummy say that I'm a born traveler - which makes me happy cuz I have a lot of realitives that live in London and beyond and I want to travel to see them all! While we were in PR I swam in the pool with Mum and Dad, and I played with my toys, my Uncle Sanjay, and anybody else who would play with me. I got to flirt with tons of pretty girls too!!! We had a really good time!

When we got home I was excited to see my Nana there! She stayed with Bruin and Cellar while we were gone, and I was happy to have a couple days to spend with her. Once we got settled in back at home, that's when Bruin's wife came to live with us! Her name is Lola, and she is so pretty and small! She is much smaller than Bruin, but she plays pretty hard with him. She's so cute too, she comes over and sniffs me, and she lets me pet her! I love her.

We all have a cold from the trip, I guess. Mummy says that airplane air isn't very clean, and since we're all sick I guess that's true. I feel a little better today, but Mummy and Daddy are just junk... nothing fun to do with them. Thank goodness I have my Jump-a-roo!!!! WOO HOO....

More later - I love you all!

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