Wednesday, November 09, 2005

When Indian-Irish Eyes Are Smiling

I like to smile. I like to look around. I like to follow things with my eyes now. I LOVE my Moosey!

I've been having a lot of fun growing and learning things in the last couple of weeks. I weigh in at 5 lbs, 10 ozs, and that's down a little bit from a few days ago. Everybody has been so good to me, and my doctor is trying hard to get me off my oxygen supply so they have been giving me a little something to get the excess water out of my little body. Makes it easier to breath that way, ya know. There is no need to worry about the weight loss though, OK?

I am so much more tolerant these days of voices, and noises. And my eye doctor came for another visit the other day and I dealt with him pretty well this time out. I was awake that night and looking all around for my Mummy & Daddy. They were R-E-A-L-L-Y impressed with that. I was nursing and playing and having a good time despite my eyes having been peeled open and clamped that way for that exam. The peepers are doing well too! No change at all in the status of them, and the 'eye guy' still thinks that I will outgrow the current situation with no problems. I'm a pretty lucky little boy all in all. I get to have a bottle 4 times a day now and I'm really trying my best to get used to drinking from that. You, swallow, breath... very hard for a little one like me. But now the most I will take is 19cc's and my feedings are a whopping 52cc's. Nearly the same amount as a full term new born baby. Gooooo Ethan! (I was cheering for myself... sorry)

Halloween has come and gone. I don't know much about that holiday except that one of my nurses was wearing earrings that were one a spider and one a web... scary!! And Mummy & Daddy put these really bright bibs on me and took my pictures. My first Halloween costumes! One says Baby's First Boo and the other Baby’s First Halloween.

My doctor isn’t so sure that I will go home on my due date, December 1. She seems to think that I am doing things at my very own pace, as is my way, and am likely to go home closer to the middle of December. I think that Mummy & Daddy are a little sad about that and so am I, but I need to grow, grow, grow.

Well, more later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow.. good for you Ethan. You go boy!! You are coming along so nicely.. and getting more handsome by the day. I am so happy for you and your mommy and daddy. From: Renee