Tuesday, October 18, 2005

What Have You Put On My Body???

Please let me just tell you that yesterday life got really good and interesting for me. First of all my Mummy & Daddy came in bright and early in the morning, which I'm not quite used to but I found I really liked. :-D Then everything got really confusing for me... my nurse put some kind of cloth all over my body... hmmm... Mummy & Daddy call it 'clothes'. What are these clothes and what the heck do they do? OH... I see they keep you warm. Excuse me (tapping on door of isolette) can you turn the heat down in here? Thank you!

So now that I wear clothes and that I have been doing better maintaining my own body heat, they have changed me to another kind of isolette that is used for babies that are less sick (YIPPEE) and they are starting to chat about moving me into a crib. WOW

Next in line, my Doctor F has come back from her vaca and she has moved me onto that Vapo-Therm that Mummy & Daddy have been jawing about for days now, and I LOVE it. It gives me moist air at a higher pressure than a regular nasal canula, but it looks just like a regular nasal canula. Now when Mummy & Daddy come in they can just scoop me up and cuddle me! We are ALL excited about that!!

I had my very first bottle too. I didn't quite know what to do with that at first, but I figured it out pretty quickly and I was drinking off that for a little bit last night. I have to tell you that tho I really liked it, I got TIRED! I was knackered after about 5 minutes or so and my nice nurse finished my feeding thru my tube. :-) I get to have one bottle a day now, so I MUST be getting bigger.

Today I'm doing so well on the Vapo-Therm that they have turned down the pressure and the oxygen level is about the same as I was getting with my CPAP now. This is going really well for me, and I'm v.v.v. happy.

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